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tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Alliance for Family Court Justice
4997 West Lake Road
Mayville, NY 14757
Pat Holcomb (716) 753-3617, Newsletter, referral

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)THE A-TEAM
Lead Atty, Charlie Jamieson.
(561) 478-1111
The A-Team is formed to fit specific cases, so attorneys and experts
differ for each case. They say they win most of their cases.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Centurion Ministries
32 Nassau Street, 3rd Floor
Princeton, NJ 08542
Advocates for innocent prisoners

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Children's Rights Counsel, Inc.
(202) 547-6227
220 "I" Street N.E., Suite200
Washington, DC 20002-4362
Fathers rights advocacy

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Erwin Rommel School of Law
All areas of law. In urgent situations, ERSoL supplies the pleadings needed in court for
self defense: research and help in different kinds of cases. Recommended by NASVO/VOCAL of Florida as having staff which care about people.


tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)False Memory Syndrome Foundation
(1-800) 568-8882
3401 Market Street, Suite 130
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Pamela Freyd, Ph.D., President

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Families For Freedom
P.O. Box 692
Thorndale, PA 19372
Richard Dunsmore, MD,FACP
Lillian Dunsmore, MD
(610) 380-1363

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Family Defense Kit
(501) 771-7527
The Sociology Center
3612 JFK Boulevard,Suite 203
North Little Rock, AR 72116-8800

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Fathers And Children's Equality (Bucks County FACE)
104 Berry Lane,
Feasterville  PA  19053

S. N. Wolpin (215) FACE-464,
Advocacy and referral

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Association)
(406) 793-5550,
P.O. Box 59
Helmville,Montana 59843
Quarterly newsletter, FIJActivist

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)FRONT (Family Right Organizations National Taskforce)
16320 Bellingham Drive,
Chesterfield, MO 63017

Larry Daly, Pres. (206) 859-3220 (WA)
Rev. William Wendler (516) 671-0534 (NY)
John Ampleman (314) 532-0290(MO)
Dean Tong (813) 855-6173(FL)
Pastor Roby Roberson  (509) 884-1754 (WA),
Juanita Patrick  (903) 758-5363 (TX), Newsletter, national conferences, referral.
Listing by state of groups, individuals and links to professionals to help you -- legal/medical/mental health, etc.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Raymond Hughes, writer
Writes about men falsely accused of CSA

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Dean Hughson
tel. 702-360-5419, fax 702-360-5398

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Innocence Project (The)
Cordoza Law School
55 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Justice Committee (The)
Carol Hopkins 
work: (619) 699-4899 home: 285-9973
2737 28th Street
San Diego, CA 92104.
Many resources to offer. (Carol may be retiring, but no confirmation from her yet.)

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Legal resources page by Gary Preble:

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)NASVO/VOCAL Hotline:
(303) 233-5321 (800) 745-8778
7485 E. Kenyon Ave.
Denver, CO 80237

Referrals, newsletter - NASVO-VOCAL Colorado News

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)NASVO/VOCAL OHIO:
(513) 777-8940
7388 Elk Wood Dr.

West Chester, Ohio 45069
North of Cincinnati, Ohio

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center
(419)865-0513, Fax: 865-0526.
P.O. Box 638
Holland, OH 43528
Kimberly Hart, Pres.
Professional referrals. Help with cases. Does a yearly seminar -- Las Vegas Child Abuse Defense Conference in NV.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)New York State Victims of Family Court Abuse
(518) 743-0108
P.O. Box 113
South Glens Falls, NY 12803-1133

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Pat Patterson, Author
Book about fighting false accusations of child abuse. $20.00. A bargain for the help given. ("This info will not benefit true abusers. It deals with revealing truth.")
Booklets ($1.00 to $5.00) available (Preface for all titles is "False Child Abuse Charges"): Prevention, What do to Immediately, How Some Cases are Built, Recuperating, Publicity, Prison,
Resources, State Directory. Videos, discs, and transcripts of Clancy Motions also available for attorneys.

Write to: Pat Patterson
174 W. Foothill Blvd. #174

Monrovia, CA  91016

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)POCAL -- (Florida) Prisoners Of Child Abuse Laws.
Geri McAlexander:
To add a falsely accused family member or friend in prison to the Vocal list so others can write to them, e-mail Geri a few lines about their case and their name/address.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)SAFAR (Society Against False Accusations of Rape)
Write to: James D. Anderson #6952487
Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Drive, S. E.
Salem, Oregon 97301

Newsletter, legal resources

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Separation of School & State Alliance
(209) 292-1776
4578 N. First, #310
Fresno, CA 93726

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)STAFF, Inc. (Stop The Abuse Against Families Forever)
P.O. Box 195
Spiceland, IN 47385

Gary & Beth Blackwell
(765) 987-8441
David Eley


tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Suzanne Shell Director, Family Advocacy Center
Providing advocacy services for families in crisis due to Social Services

14053 Eastonville
Road Elbert, CO 80106
(719) 661-5968.
Author of "Profane Justice":

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Rick Thoma
The most comprehensive online library and web site of information about foster care abuses and other abuses by the system. Invaluable resource for activists, attorneys, legislators, foster parents, child advocates.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VAST (Victims & Advocates Start Talking)
6007 Hillside Ave, East Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46220

Lawrence Newman, Attorney
Beverly Newman, Ed.D.
(317) 255-9395

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VOCAL (Arizona)
Lesley Wimberly:
Consider her a Mother of VOCAL.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VOCAL (Florida -- Jacksonville)
Larry McAlexander
(904) 381-7080 Off (904) 381-7097 - FAX (See POCAL)

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)V.O.C.A.L. FAMILIES FOR JUSTICE -- A FLORIDA NON-PROFIT a non-profit group, assists families wrongly accused of child abuse or neglect, and works to protect the rights of the families if they can prove they have not abused or neglected their children. V.O.C.A.L. FAMILIES FOR JUSTICE says it fights alongside these families for justice. V.O.C.A.L. FAMILIES FOR JUSTICE makes trips to Florida's State capital to convince legislators to work with VOCAL to stop the victimization of children and families by out-of-control child and family services agencies, judicial, and legal systems in Florida.

Contact: Claudia J. Ramsey, President of V.O.C.A.L. FAMILIES FOR JUSTICE -- A FLORIDA NON-PROFIT
(352) 787-3049
Victims Of Child Abuse Laws, Florida

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VOCAL (Florida -- Tampa Bay)
Author, "Ashes to Ashes...Families to Dust."
Dean Tong (Author, Speaker, Legal Consultant)
Ph/Fax 813-885-6173
8102 N. Sheldon Rd. Suite 1503
Tampa, FL, 33615
The Abuse Excuse Website:
Lists resources in his books.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VOCAL Missouri  Helpline
(314) 381-0754
7620 Augusta Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63121
Newsletter - Lifeline

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)New York VOCAL
Barbara Lyn Lapp Western New York Coordinator
P.O. Box 85
Cassadaga, NY 14718

(716) 595-2637
Publishes The Family Alert

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VOCAL NY
(516) 671-0534
P.O. Box 4295
Utica, NY 13504
Rev. William Wendler, Pres.
Newsletter, state conferences, referral

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Nevada: Support only! Velma Mathias RENO contact.
Started a VOCAL Chapter, now defunct.
(702) 853-8313 Call only from 8 a.m. to 11.
12400 Jeppson Lane
Reno, NV, 89511-7788

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)VOCAL Washington
Off: (303) 770-5096
Vernena Bergen (Seattle)
253-878-5135 (may now be 206 area)

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Martin Yant -- Author of Presumed Guilty; publisher of The Ohio Observer.
Private investigator.

(Broke the Jenny Wilcox/Robert Aldridge case. Now working on the equally unjust Nancy Smith/Joseph Allen case in Lorain, Ohio.)
(614) 447-8456. Fax: 447-8456.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)AUSTRALIA
Contact for falsely accused of Satanic Ritual Abuse --

Jan Groenveld
e-mail: or

Cult Awareness & Information Centre
PO Box 2444
Mansfield Q 4122
Australia Phone: 61-(0)7-3216 8790.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)CANADA
Alan  D Gold, B.Sc. LLB.

Barrister President Criminal Lawyers' Association 56
Temperance Sr., Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 3V5

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)CANADA
Adriaan J.W. Mak
Contact in SW Ontario for people falsely accused.
555 Kininvie Drive London,
ON, Canada 
tel (519) 471-6338 fax: (519) 471-0583.
Editor, False Memory Support Groups' Newsletter(Canada) Can supply list of other regional contacts coast to coast in Canada.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Canada:
Nicholas J. Kovats
For child abuse allegations arising from custody disputes. "Freedom for Kids" Nick is in daily
contact with a network of people who can assist in cases.

After publication, corrections and Nominees for the list may be sent to me at

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