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With all my love, I dedicate this "Child Abuse Defense Kit" to my daughter so that her suffering will count against injustice. If these resources help you, thank God, and thank my daughter, my primary motivators in the fight against injustice.

Compiled and edited by Clara A. Thomas Boggs

A Resource for the Wrongly Accused or Convicted, especially of child abuse.

(Inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement by the editor or host of the list on this page. It is the list user's responsibility to thoroughly check out anyone's credentials or information.)


tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Arizona: Bob Hirschfeld, JD   Phoenix, AZ (602) 265-4692 M-F 10AM - 5PM MST 
webpage- and

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Calif/Nevada: William R. Pritchard
710 Winslow Street Redwood City, CA 94063
(415) 366-6512 FAX: (415) 366-6537 (Referred by Marty Yant)

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)California:
Bahman Eslamboly --

Eslamboly & Baralvi Attorneys, Los Angeles, Calif. Handle personal injury, workers' comp and sexual harassment cases in California. Other types of legal questions / cases can be submitted
to their BBS from:

Web Page: -- --
Search 200+ legal search engines free + Legal Questions, Answers and Research including Sexual Harassment, Disability Discrimination and Work Injuries and more.

Sacramento [Ref: L.Wimberly]: Did pro bono work: Paul Grieson, Grieson Law
Firm. Tom Mahoney (on the indigent panel) and Don Buchman, both good,
reasonable. Other great attorneys (expensive): Clyde Blackmon, Michael
Rothschild, Michael Sands (teaches at McGeorge. Officially retired, but can

Next two work together:
Patrick E. Clancy webpage-

Accused Webmaster: Patrick Clancy expert Atty for CSA cases 925-256-4600;

Harvey C. Shapiro  707/453-0388 Fax: 421-2872  601
Webmasters: Patrick Clancy, Harvey C. Shapiro. Relevant cases, experts, attorneys, support groups, etc.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Illinois:
Kenneth N. Flaxman P.C.  (312) 427-3200 Fax: (312) 427-3930,home: 847-475-0398
122 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1850, Chicago, Illinois 60603-6107


tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Massachusetts:
Edward J. Collins (617)-492-3333

Post Office Box 381330
Cambridge, MA, 02238-1330

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Michigan:
Aaron Larson ) 605 South Parker Road

Marine City, MI 48039.
Mr. Larson is compiling a directory of expert witness websites. Only websites listed, at no fee: Submit your info at:

Martha A. Churchill, Atty

73 W. Lewis Ave.
Milan, MI 48160-1035
(734) 439-4055. Fax 439-4056.  Home: 439-8119.
FMS, False Acc child abuse Referrals. Has written against Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Minnesota:
Simcha Plisner -- (will consider cases in other states).

(651) 490-9202
His background in social work is highly effective in dealing with CPS people and their psychologists. Represents adults and children/teens -- mental health defense, contested adoptions, delinquency, neglect and dependency, malicious punishment, domestic abuse,
father and grandparent rights, custody and other family law issues.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Missouri:
Kansas City, Donna Manning -  experienced in these cases: 913-829-2255 (Bill McIver
Tom Bradshaw  1-800-243-5060 (Ref Howard Fishman).
James Borth  (in Kansas, southwest suburb of KC).
Sid Willens, Center City

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Nevada:
Dean Heidrich: (702) 322-3366
121 California Ave
Reno, NV, 89509
Knowledgeable & most connected in Reno. Underwager & Wakefield recommend him.

Rick Cornell --   (702)329-1141.

150 Ridge St, 2nd Fl. Reno
NV, 89501 (has become knowledgeable in CA/CSA cases) and

Also see William Pritchard (Calif/Nev)

Patrick J. Mullen , Atty. Member of NV and WA State Bar.
(206) 837-9928.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)New Mexico:
Dorsett Bennett  (505) 623-1415

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)New York:
Robert Rosenthal. (212) 353-3752

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Oregon:
Michael Snedecker
(503) 234-3584
1752 S.E. Hawthorne
Portland, OR, 97214. 
Co-author with Debbie Nathan of Satan's Silence. Works with Robert Rosenthal.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Pennsylvania:
The Curtis Center, (215) 238-1600

Suite L44  -- Sixth and Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106  (Ref Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield).
Harvey A. Sernovitz  Experienced, knowledgeable, committed defense attorney.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Tennessee:
Jes Beard, Atty (423) 267-4391,(FAX)267-4394

737 Market Street, Suite 601
Chattanooga, TN 37402-4820;  .
Has web site: Email him to ask the address.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Texas:
Amarillo: Gerald McDougall -- "Defender of the Citizen Accused."

800-598-5975 or 806-355-1202  FAX 806-355-2953

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Virginia:
William J. Holmes, atty

4456 Corporation Lane, Ste 346
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 456-9845  he's handled a number of false child abuse cases.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Washington:
Gary Preble  2120 State Avenue, NE

Olympia, WA, 98506.
Office: (360) 943-6960 Fax: 360-786-6948

Patrick J. Mullen , Atty. Member of WA and NV State Bar.

(206) 837-9928.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Unclassified:

Marc Lafer  (California) 714-705-5000.

Not a child sex abuse lawyer, but has acquired some expertise the hard way by fighting his own
case). Will gladly give pro bono consultations on dependency cases and civil
rights litigation.

Toby Thaler- Seattle, WA.
(206) 223-4088
also not a child sex abuse lawyer, but won his lawsuit for damages in a false case, still on appeal. Can refer you to Seattle area resources for help with a case.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Other Attorneys expert in Child Sex Abuse cases: (Location unknown)

Peter J. Harte -representing MPD client in sex assault case.

After publication, corrections and Nominees for the list may be sent to me at

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