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        EXPERT WITNESSES- Related Experts & Resources:

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Dr. Lee Coleman, psych
(510) 527-7512
1889 Yosemite Rd.
Berkeley, CA  94707.
Research— Colposcopic exams. Control study: same vaginal irregularities present in never abused or sexually active young females, as in those confirmed as sexually penetrated and abused. Not considered credible in many prof circles, so is difficult to qualify; honest in criticism of current practices, thus a black sheep to his profession. A treasure of knowledge, can assist in defense prep. for trial.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Dr. Robert E. Fay, M.D.
(518) 393-2477
1618 Richard St.
Schenectady, NY, 12303
FAAP, Pediatrician & Quintessential expert witness for signs of CSA.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Howard Fishman
offers FREE expert testimony. (You pay expenses of travel, etc.)
Bio available from him.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Elizabeth Loftus
Univ of WA off: (206) 543-7l84 UW
Fax 685-3157.

Psychology Office at UW (206) 543-2640.
World's leading expert on erroneous eyewitness identification. Fraudulent lineups used to identify
alleged perpetrators is critical in cases. Crème de la crème of the experts in CSA.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Carl G. Nugent, M.D.
6855 17th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6844
(206) 524 6107
(Expertise in head injury cases mistaken for inflicted injuries, especially epileptic. Will help the innocent in cases of physical abuse; expert on Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.)
Pro bono, but with expenses reimbursement.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Dr. Susan P. Robbins
(713) 743-8103  FAX 743-8149  Home (713) 520-5068 FAX  520-8901
1605 California Street
Houston, TX  77006
Univ of Houston,
Graduate School of Social Work

Houston, TX  77204-4492
Teaches Social Work. Treasure-house of INFO relating to FMS, Child abuse, drug, other issues

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Dr. Susan Sarnoff
P. O. Box 71
Athens, OH, 45701,
office: (740) 593-1301

Specialist: works with crime victims, as well as those victimized by false accusations. Research, Social Work educator, Ass't Prof., U of Ohio. Assists falsely accused/convicted and attorneys by analyzing compensation files subpoenaed by the defense, "translates" comp law and identifies where compensation agency practice violates its own rules or the federal guidelines which provide them with matching funds. Narrow area of expertise, but crucial in some cases of false
claims due to victim or therapist greed.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield
A key contact for the falsely accused/convicted.
13200 Cannon City Blvd
Northfield, MN  55057
voice (507) 645-8881 fax: 645-8883.

They've suffered attacks for the difference they've made, but are foremost experts in child abuse cases & have the most extensive library anywhere on child abuse. Publish Issues In Child
Abuse Accusations.

tipscales.gif (35585 bytes)Louis Kiefer, attorney at law -- Hartford, Connecticut.

Concentrates in matters of family law and all ancillary issues, including dissolution of marriage, child custody, child visitation, grandparent visitation, alimony, support, defense against false allegations of sexual abuse and false paternity claims. The Louis Kiefer law firm represents both men and women.

21 Oak Street Suite 310
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860.249.3600
Fax: 860.520.4858

After publication, corrections and Nominees for the list may be sent to me at

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